I did it!!

I posted all 30 days of the month of November….I’m so happy I completed the challenge. It may seem like a small feat but to me it’s pretty big. First of all, I need improvement in the area of finishing the things I start. And second, I am brand new to blogging, so to come up with ideas and actually put sentences together hasn’t been simple. Writing use to come easy for me. Now it’s work.

So it feels good on a personal level to know I accomplished what I set out to do.

Congratulations to all who participated in NaBloPoMo.

About ishamisha

I am a mix of so many things, I can't begin to narrow it down, but I can tell you that I have equal opposites living inside me: calm and crazy, quiet and loud, serious and humorous, formal and casual. I'm big on showing love, and I have issues with myself and others...LOL. All my various personality traits will reveal themselves on this blog...just wait, and you'll see what I'm talking about.
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